Don’t You Forget About Me
Video Sample
Featuring Skeletune
with Donnie Blankenship on Lead Vocals
Through the Years
New upadated content coming soon!!!
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Brief History
As a boy living in Anaheim, California Donnie Blankenship became infatuated with hard rock music Listening to his older sister’s Led Zeppelin Albums. Yearning to sing and perform, he started a rock band when he was thirteen. He played guitar and was the lead singer. The band’s name was Kashmir and together with members Ernie Arellanes, Teddy Emmer, Ted Vernon and Eric Done.
They played concerts and parties through 11th grade. Looking for a new sound, Donnie joined a new band In the spring of their junior year called Crystal Lyght with Glen Soderling Tommy Jones and Jeff Ross. They played Concerts, clubs, and parties through their high school senior year.
Fast-forward to 1986-1989 – Donnie started a Hard Rock band with original music called MYTH, with Adam Bissing, Teddy Emmer and Al Barnes. They played the club scene in So. Cal. Myth became a popular band on the Sunset Strip. Myth opened shows for established acts such as Robin Trower, Foghat, TNT, Hurricane, and the Killer Dwarfs. Myth appeared on the KNAC local show 3 times during 1988-1989.
As the grunge era approached and dug in, Myth broke up. After getting a credential and teaching first grade for many years, Donnie got together a cover band and has been playing concerts and parties for the last 10 years with these key players: Anthony Laguna, Rick York, Eli York and Jeff Olave as Teacherz Petz. A year ago we added Mark Seaton on the bass. He also does the much appreciated and time consuming production end. We are now called SKELETUNE and we will rock you to the 🦴 bone! So come see us in the near future!